
Simple CSR Reporting for Leading Law Firms

Simple CSR reporting for leading Law firms

Impact delivers a reliable and complete reporting experience that enables efficient CSR and sustainability measurement for your firm. Ditch the archaic and slow methods of reporting; engage your workforce; demonstrate your commitment to your people and generate real-time CSR reports that celebrate the social good that you create with your value-driven customers.

Automated and accurate outcomes
Automated and accurate outcomes

Save hours of time measuring key sustainability outcomes such as ‘CO2 saved’ by letting Impact do the work for you, instantly.

Straightforward compliance with standards
Straightforward compliance with standards

Demonstrate your commitment to CSR and comply with credible standards such as ISO or the SDGs using key insights displayed in one centralised dashboard.

Communicate, celebrate and stand out
Communicate, celebrate and stand out

Be recognised as a pro-social firm. Deliver real change and celebrate your success with visual reports that resonate and convert your key customers.

Across the DWF Group, CSR activity is embedded into our values and we want to ensure our actions are meaningful when we give our time, skills and business intelligence to make a difference. Impact provides everyone within our business with their own CSR profile and enables us to measure and report our CSR performance in real-time.


Tyrone Jones

Director of CSR and Engagement at DWF

See how Impact works

Watch a 30 second video and see how Impact can help you. Set the standard for CSR reporting and stand out from your competitors.

Automated Capture
Real-time Insights

NEW Dashboards & Reports
Framework Agnostic

You’re in safe hands

Powerful CSR reporting invested in by 100+ organisations who care about their customers. Are you one of them?

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Impact offers the most productive, engaging way to report on your CSR that improves customer perceptions of your firm.

  • Increase firm wide engagement in CSR initiatives and scale out your impact across your organisation.
  • Reduce paperwork and create action. Let Impact do all the heavy lifting and calculating, making reporting on your CSR effortless.
  • Instantly benchmark and communicate your CSR with a range of qualitative and quantitative metrics to humanise your business.
  • Promote a point of difference to your clients, stakeholders and people by evidencing your commitment to sustainable and social value practices.
  • Track and monitor and highlight your commitments to tangible community investment to receive positive recognition in local markets.
  • Promote your sustainability and equality credentials to attract the best possible, and diverse talent.