
Schedule a demo

Ready to get started?

Let’s start doing more good, together.

What to expect

  1. Schedule your 30 minute call using the form.
  2. During the call, you can share your impact goals and current challenges.
  3. Our consultant will provide an overview of Impact so you can better understand if it's the right fit for your business.
  4. If it's right for you, we'll book in time for a more detailed demonstration of the platform.
  5. From there, we'll provide pricing and help you create a business case and anything else you need to get decision-maker buy-in.
  6. Q&A and support all along the way!

Companies who love working with us

"Impact Reporting provides us with a central database where everyone can feed into it, and we can easily access the information around the work that we do. Its flexibility allows us as a business to use the system as we need it.

I find the platform very user friendly and it is producing brilliant statistics for our Social Impact reporting within the business. I would rate Impact a 10 in terms of value for money.

Other systems don't offer the same level of flexibility and features, and that's why we choose Impact."

Nicola Laight Social Impact Reporting Manager

The team at Impact have worked with us closely to scope requirements and ensure the product met and continues to meet our needs. They’re really friendly, open to ideas and keen to suggest and make improvements to our existing practices wherever possible.

With Impact, our managers can focus on service improvement work with live evaluation data instead of having to rely on spreadsheet-based records and additional paperwork.

Sally Hudson Business Support Manage

Having researched five of the most popular options, Impact was the one that stood out. Each organisation and project are unique and there is no set of approved reporting metrics to capture everything.

With Impact, I have the greatest flexibility, good customer service and a reliable, user-friendly platform.

The people working Impact are open-minded, inclusive and customer-centred. They are developing new and better services all the time, quick to action any easy fixes and communicate realistic timescales.

Kate Christie Business Manager

Hill uses Impact to provide a methodical and reliable way of capturing and evaluating a range of ESG indicators at scale, across multiple projects, locations and business units. Despite being in the early stages of using the Impact platform, our account manager has been an ongoing support, attending our internal rollout meetings to add input, pick up issues and action those, and is always quick to respond & communicative.

Sian Rebourg Group Social Manager

Right from the start, we were keen to work with Impact. As a pro-social organisation, the team really do understand the importance of making initiatives successful and meaningful and have worked closely with us to ensure that Impact is tailored to our aims.

Ty Jones CSR and Engagement Manager

Impact has been a real game changer for us as users and our business a whole, being able to track social value progress as a group, by project or region. We can capture social, environmental and procurement data easily and convert this into monetary value as well as track against business and project goals.

Louise Logan Strategic Social Value Manager