Results and next steps
DWF leveraged Impact to support various engagement activities globally. A notable initiative included a health and well-being challenge where employees logged distances travelled through walking, cycling, and swimming. Offices competed to record the most miles, fostering a spirit of collective engagement and competition.
Impact enabled DWF employees worldwide to log their CSR activities directly, fostering a culture of engagement and enthusiasm. The platform’s reporting functions allowed for the generation of visual reports with a single click, facilitating real-time reflection on social impact without the stress of annual reporting.
“Impact provides everyone within our business with their own CSR profile and enables us to measure and report our CSR performance in real-time.”
— Ty Jones, Director of CSR and Engagement
By adopting Impact, DWF transformed their CSR tracking process, achieving greater transparency and employee engagement. The real-time data accessibility provided by Impact has empowered DWF to continuously reflect on and enhance its social impact initiatives, reinforcing its commitment to positive global change.
By addressing the challenges of traditional CSR reporting methods, DWF has successfully implemented a system that not only streamlines data collection but also energises its workforce to contribute actively towards a positive social impact.